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Cuba: A Remote Habitat for Sharks

Written by Amanda Hand | Jul 7, 2015 9:36:00 PM

Shark week is infamous for dramatic documentaries revolving around one highly misunderstood species – the shark. With promise to paint a more realistic portrait of these ocean creatures, and hopes of aiding conservation efforts, the Discovery Channel recently took their studies to the island of Cuba. 

Shark diving has become a popular activity for tourists worldwide. Despite the recent shark attacks disproportioned by the media, people are beginning to understand it is highly unlikely they will every experience an attack, and observing them in their natural habitat is a rewarding experience. 

Cuba's reefs are known to be some of the most remote shark habitats in the world. We cannot help but hope Shark Week continues to cover these beautifully mysterios creatures in a way that enlightens us to the true facts – shark populations have been dwindling, and this is detrimental to the ocean's ecosystems.