The Provider

Water Safety - It's Problem, Give your Clients the Right Travel Advice

Posted Sep 18, 2015 11:30:00 AM in Agent News by Amanda Hand

Over 20% of travelers are affected by contaminated water every year. Spending an expensive vacation in the loo is no way to live. As a travel agent, you can help your clients out by giving them the tips outlines in the infographic below. 

It is a fact that clean water is not accessible everywhere. If you book travel in countries where the water is questionable, you'll want to give your clients solid advice on what they should do when they can't trust the water. 

Check out this infographic on What To Do When You Don't Trust The Water. 

Water Infographic.png

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Traveler Water Safety

It is always important to lead a healthy lifestyle, especially while traveling. However, even the strongest immune systems can fall ill to unfamiliar bacteria in the water. Here is a guide for travelers headed to destinations with questionable water quality.

Rule 1

Brush teeth with sterile water instead of tap water to avoid getting sick.

Rule 2

Take cold showers to avoid breathing in diseases like Legionnaires' which is caused by inhaling vapors.

Rule 3

Avoid ice cubes as bacteria is mostly resistant to the cold. Same goes for ice pops and flavored ice.

Avoid foods washed in water like fruits and veggies.

Other Tips to Keep In Mind:

  • Drink from tamper-proof, sealed bottles. Hotels can often provide names of reliable brands that are safe for drinking.
  • If travelers are still unsure of the water, disinfect with Aquatabs or boil the water for 1-5 minutes. It will take longer in higher elevation.
  • It is also a good idea for travelers to skip swimming pools when they have cuts or lesions. Securely cover them during showers.

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